Thursday, February 1, 2007

Observer Lab

Today's lab met my expectations, and I think I need to re-make my point about efficiently using your time.

I have no doubt that, if you bang your head against it enough, every one of you could figure out how to build this code on your own. However, most of you barely got through making PriceHistory observable (any many of you didn't even get that far) before class was over. This means that you've spent a lot of time on material that isn't central to the topic we're studying. There are a limited number of hours in a day and you have more classes than just mine, so I have trouble believing that you have time to bang your head long enough to do this on your own. It's a question of using your time efficiently.

When you leave school and get a job, they are going to want you to be an independent problem solver. However, they are also going to want you to be able to recognize when you are wasting their money by banging your head over a problem. You will be part of team that is depending on you to get things done efficiently. The abilities of knowing when you're stuck and knowing how to ask insightful questions that are targeted on getting the job done are part of being a strong developer.

I really do want to help and I enjoy answering your questions, so please try to use the resources around you more efficiently!

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